Nov 21, 2010 08:08
With sigh that toed the ambiguous no-mans-land between soft and explosive, Yuffie collected a plateful of waffles with all the toppings. She was sure that, if nothing else, it'd making a pretty satisfying splat if-when?-she launched it at somebody's face, and that was all that counted
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the doctor,
sam winchester,
indiana jones,
goku (dragonball),
claire bennet,
peter parker,
lana skye,
peter petrelli,
the scarecrow,
scott pilgrim,
claire littleton,
dean winchester,
claire stanfield,
edward cullen,
ema skye,
scar (tlk),
That, Yukari found, was the only good way she could summarize how she felt that morning upon waking up. Simple and to the point, and not to mention the first word to slip out of her mouth when she was forced awake, thanks to a nurse rather noisily coming into the room she was asleep in (and god, it hadn’t been a full twenty-four hours yet and she was already getting sick of seeing them). For some reason Yukari had felt as though she didn’t get nearly as much sleep as she needed, though her immediate thought following that one was along the lines of ‘probably because I was up all night-’
Only, she couldn’t have been if she wound up rolling around in these sheets again, face in a pillow, and desperately wanting at least five more minutes. Maybe she had just imagined the whole thing; that wouldn’t have been weird, right? Yukari hadn’t thought it was unusual for her mind to come up with all sorts of strange things when she was already in this indescribable situation as it were, and really, while some impossible things were ( ... )
Even if the new routine was pretty dull, at least during the day.
Kaito was in good enough a mood upon waking that he decided to chat with his nurse on the way to the cafeteria-it was just smalltalk, really: asking what the weather was like, which rooms would be available today, or even cracking a joke that had elicited a brief giggle from the woman. She let him see to gathering his breakfast on his own, after letting him know that she was so very pleased to see him in high spirits ( ... )
It didn't last, however, when her line of thinking had suddenly been interrupted by someone calling out her name-- her actual one, this time, which was enough for her to jerk her head upwards to face whoever it had been ( ... )
Then again, she was still here... While he was glad to see her, he couldn't deny that she'd be a lot more 'fine' if she was back home... Her real home, not whatever it was that the people here claimed was home.
"You may have already heard, but your roommate posted a note on the bulletin board a while ago," Kaito continued, looking back up at Yukari. "Said that you'd been 'released'. But since you're obviously still here, I guess she was wrong."
With that, he speared the piece of cut waffles with his fork and ate it.
She hadn't meant to sound so audibly confused, but the single word slipped out before she could even think of it. What roommate? What release? Yeah, Yukari sure wanted to be released, but so far any staff member who talked about it insisted she needed to stay.
"I've never--"
"Here, Kara, your breakfast."
The nurse interjected, suddenly swooping in from seemingly out of nowhere, but then, Yukari hadn't exactly been paying attention to her surroundings either. With a bit of a startle, she looked up at the woman, uttered a half-hearted 'thanks', and then waited for her to smile sweetly at both her and Kaito before walking off. The nurse was probably happy to see that Yukari was finally with company instead of feeling miserable on her own somewhere, though Yukari wasn't feeling the same way the nurse had.
Although, she couldn't deny the waffles looked really good. Maybe the only person she was trying to convince was herself when Yukari had claimed she wasn't hungry ( ... )
That had... not been what Kaito'd expected, at all. He set his utensils down on the tray.
"You..." he started, not quite sure where to go. Had she been brainwashed? Had amnesia forced upon her or something? Surely she wasn't just purposely blocking things out; he could understand forgetting the crap that went on at night, but forgetting her friends? (At least, he thought they'd been friends, or at least nearly there...) "You don't remember?"
It was disappointing, but Kaito would make the most of it. If she didn't remember him, then he would just have to reintroduce himself-with a proper introduction this time ( ... )
Not to mention, he was coming across as a whole lot friendlier. Yuffie from yesterday was definitely a lot more forward, and there was just something about it that Yukari didn't take much of a liking to.
Kaito, was it? She fished in her memory for one more attempt in remembering if she really had bumped into this guy before in one way or another, but try as she might, in the end Yukari had no recollection of him. It was nothing short of way weird, and she was beginning to feel like she fell right out of the loop on something."A magician, huh?" Yukari forced through a small smile; it wasn't every day someone claimed to be a magician. If his stint just a second ago was anything to go by, though, then maybe he actually had ( ... )
It was understandable, really. Kaito could only imagine what it would be like if he had no memory of anything that had happened here and Hattori or Kudou walked up and starting talking like they already knew each other. His imagination involved a lot of freaking out.
"Pretty sure, yeah," Kaito confirmed. "But if you want to start over completely, we can try that. I mean, even if I know some things about you, you don't remember anything about me. And you've gotta admit: giving you a crash course on that to get you up to speed would be pretty awkward."
He glanced down briefly, frowning, before looking at Yukari again. "But... There are some things you probably should know, about what you can run into around here, since I'm betting you don't remember about that either. It's... pretty important."
"'Know some things'? Like what?" If he hadn't gotten her full attention before, he certainly did now, admitting that. And she had sounded a bit defensive about that; whether Kaito were earnest in saying he knew her, Yukari couldn't tell (no matter how impossible it should have been), but a part of her didn't like the idea of a stranger claiming they knew things.
If they were something like the dumb rumors from school, she was going to... Okay, she couldn't quite come up with anything on the spot, but chances were it would come to mind when it happened.
Either way, Yukari had leaned over the table by some, obviously interested in squeezing some answers out of Kaito. This was herself he was talking about, after all-- not to mention it would simply bug her into ( ... )
It was like if Hattori and Kudou had said they knew things about him, he reminded himself. Only with a little more guarded suspicion and lot less "shit, they know that I'm really Kaitou Kid, don't they!?" Unless Yukari secretly moonlighted as an wanted thief as well, in which case there would have been a comparable amount of "does he know I'm so-and-so?"
"Just, y'know... things," he answered, though it didn't really clarify much at all. "Like you're from Iwatodai, you look good in pink, you know how to use a bow, some of your friends from home were here-I don't know if they still are; I haven't seen Iori in a while."
And then there was the much more substantial thing he knew about: her dad. But that was a whole 'nother level of awkward... and really needed more explanation before he could even begin to try ( ... )
"... What was Junpei doing here?" she had muttered, mostly to herself. After all, up into recently he had been living in the same dorm as her, and she was fairly certain he didn't have any need to go to a hospital, much less the loony bin (Yukari would, however, often insist he probably deserved to be in one-- but that didn't mean she had to go to one, either ( ... )
He paused, setting aside his breakfast as he tried to decide how to word the next part. There was a lot that needed to be said, but just telling Yukari wasn't the same as her having experienced it herself. "But the part I want to warn you about is that they bring in visitors once a week, people we recognize from home but that claim to be part of these fake lives they've invented for us. And it seems like that person can be almost anyoneJust saying that wasn't enough to prepare her for seeing her father come back from the dead, but that awkward feeling was coming back (and stronger, too). He picked up the ( ... )
If one had thought she couldn't look any more perplexed, well, they were wrong; she hadn't been floored before, but Yukari definitely was now, so much that her mind drew a complete blank for a long, long while. If she had noticed the vanishing trick he pulled, she didn't show any semblance of it.
Her father. Nobody was supposed to have known about him-- no one outside S.E.E.S., that is, and she trusted none of them would have ever spoken of her family without her consent (not that she would have allowed it, either). If this had been eleven or so years ago, sure; everyone knew of her father thanks to the "accident" at Port Island, but as the years went by Eiichiro Takeba's name had went all but forgotten, and the incident itself never crossed anyone's mind (anyone her age, presumably, didn't even remember it).
Her first thought went back to Junpei-- what if he had mentioned something about it? But-- no, no, that wasn't right. Even he wasn't stupid or inconsiderate enough to do something like that ( ... )
"No, I should have thought better of answering. I'm sorry; I shouldn't have said anything to begin with," Kaito apologized. "I just..."
Just what? Didn't want her to go through meeting her dad unexpectedly for a second time? There wasn't even any guarantee that she would get visited by him again, and if she didn't remember anything, she was bound to still be in denial over what she'd heard about what went on here. To tell someone in her position that her dead father was around...? What had he been thinking?
"You don't have to believe me or anything; I don't have any actual proof that they visited... I just didn't want you to get caught by the surprise if you end up seeing him," he tried to explain, though the reasons seemed flimsy even to him. If he'd been in Yukari's shoes, he wasn't sure he'd even be taking it as well as she was.
Society had said all sorts of things about her father, but no one had ever tried to make such a ridiculous claim, regardless if the current situation then was completely off the wall or not (and the things she had been through were definitely that, to put it lightly).
"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not some little kid who thinks her dad's actually going to walk back into her life at any moment like nothing ever happened." She gave up on that ages ago. She accepted what happened and what he did. Yukari had to put her hands on her lap, under the table, just so Kaito couldn't see her clenching them.
"If you say yours is gone, too, then... Fine, I understand that. But stories like these aren't the way to handle it."
He glanced away, but then turned back toward Yukari with a serious expression. "But it's not a story-at least, not one that I made up. Like I said, I don't have proof that you might see him in the flesh, but I can at least prove that the doctors here will claim that he's alive. I know where patient files are stored; if you'd like, I could take you to find yours tonight ( ... )
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