Feb 05, 2008 22:09

Well what that Todd fellow said was completely true about this wretched band! I want it off. With this on I... am so limited.
I'm sure countless people before me have tried and failed, but I will find a way.
I will get out of this place, and I will take Snake with me... Then I will succeed in my plans. Nothing can stop me.
I have to prove that I am not mere garbage.

Oh these lovely leather pants look great on me, by the way~ They're a little bit tight, but I guess that's what I asked for, wasn't it?
The tea reminds me of home.

I have little to do tonight but reflect on the possibilities, and perhaps plan an appropriate escape. But for now, I'll just observe... Learn as much as I possibly can about this world.

It's not quite hell, like you described it, Todd. But It's close enough.

I am going to get some rest, maybe do a bit of meditating to clear up a few things.

...I'm suddenly famished.

[Ooc: BOSS SAUCE IN SPACE. Boss sauce on your chicken! BOSS SAUCE IN YOUR BELLY! Boss sauce on your face! www.bosssause.com]

pissed off british pansy

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