Study study study

Apr 10, 2005 16:10

OK. I could post a review of Sin City here, since I saw it on Thursday night. But I won't. Everyone appears to be posting a review of it. All I have to say is: it rocks. It is definitely worth seeing again on the big screen, as well as purchasing the DVD. I would LOVE to see what was cut from the flick to put it in the theatres. It would have to be pretty out there (read: major sex scenes or things more violent than ripping someone's crotch apart) to not have made it on the screen, unless they just did some cuts for time restrictions.

Anyways, I sit here at work, studying. I had to come in today to get some of my analysis documents done for my two major upcoming projects, and decided that it was nice and quiet here, so was a good place to study. I am currently pursuing Microsoft certification in the XML Web Services and Server Components course, with the potential to continue on to the full Microsoft Certified Application Developer. The MCAD is one of 2 certifications, but is the first on that you have to get. The other is the solution developer (MCSD), which consists of 5 exams, 3 of which ARE the MCAD courses. So why not do them both?

The MCSD is more enticing to me since I am enjoying the analysis and design aspect much more than the actual programming, but you need one to get to the other. Basically, do the grunt work and then move up in the ranks. What surprises me, though, is how well some of these self-study books by Microsoft are done - although there are problems (some of the laboratory code at the end of the chapters are incomplete - work in one language but not the other). But overall it seems well organized (easy progressing from one chapter to the next) and broken into 10 chapters, so our study group meets 10 times plus one more for review and then we schedule our exam. And then I get another notch to add to the resumé.

Ah well. Back to the books.
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