Sep 14, 2005 15:31
If only life was more simple
Inate of fulfilling dreams
A happy spark round every corner
A shovel for all the shit we encounter
It doesnt make sense why you should suffer
It drives my will of redemption
To bring it back to its better sensation
I clasp you tight and soak up ur tears
drowning in the pool of our combining fears
Blood is just red
and words are only sound
These are not the things that make the world round...
Spirit kept high with your head in the sky
...please dont be tricked by the deep of the ocean
Hear just these words, read out my emotion
'For even if the mighty put me down
when my face is long and in a frown
i must keep stong and turn it upside-down
Because i love u more than can be told
and no other feeling i have felt so bold
we must share what so dearly we hold'
For if u can not smile
i shall do it for us all :)
blah feeling a bit heh but i'm keeping a smile for that special someone :)
the thing i just wrote was a bit, idk spur of the moment, but i feel better for it...
makes me understand more about things... even though i made it :S i'm weird..
#X# i hope life does not suck me into the abyss, please let everthing be fine #X#
oh yea MY LUCK IS WORTHLESS aswell pah "cant do nothing for noone" lol..
idk wat else is new in my life rly
only that
TWO DAYS!!! till my treasure arrives :)
do i seem excited?
hehehe ^^
ne ways idk wat else to say so toodles gangsta cats x