I'm being slowly driven insane. So, a few days ago, me and Maddy had the deliciously awful idea of joining
Digis (it's invite-only, if you want one let me know!) and the place is a spending mine. D: I got my first Digi for a relatively small amount of the game's currency:
Meet Sparklybug, isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen? I sure bet that. All that's good, no problem so far. Now, today I login and realize that they've added a new "special" paid-only colour.
And I WANT IT LIKE THE BURNING. BUT IT'S 20 USD D: DFÇLSKJFLKJSD I don't know if I should splurge on one or not. ._____. I wannnt it. Someone stop me please.
Oh, in unrelated news, I won a Varwolf Trans potion on Leo today, so hurray? Not sure if I should sell it or morph one of my pets, uh...
And I MUST finish that comission for Lin before she throttles me, definitely.