Dec 01, 2008 23:16
first of all, my grandma totally kicked my ass at cribbage for the past 4 days.
second, i can't tolerate being next to a three year old for 13 FUCKING hours while driving to Southern Idaho. ick.
Thirdly, being in my grandmothers house for thanksgiving and seeing a billion pictures of my mom makes me breakdown, drink a bottle of wine and get super stoned. and pass out.
i'm a classy bitch, i tell you what.
the holiday was really good. The drive over was too long, but okay. I loved having no responsibilities for the whole trip. seeing the family was AMAZING!
I got the origional painting that was the picture on my mom's funeral card. INTENSE! and beautiful.
i need a second job and i need to get my chicago shit together. bah.
but i was invited to mexico for christmas (again) and am really thinking about going. WWWEEEEE