Jul 02, 2005 18:42
Do you even know how much I love R.H.C.P.? I dont think you do.
Anyway. Had one nuts friday night. Came inches away from possibly wrecking a great friendship with a kiss. Totally unexpcted. What would have happened if I kissed her? Would the morning be uncomfortable? Good thing I left before she woke up.
Jammed today with Johnny Barba, haven't seen that kid in years. Turns out, he's god on drums, AND he digs our sound. You should know what that means. New band. Im not smoking weed anymore. I give up, Im tired of feeling tired for no reason. I dont even enjoy the highs. So, Im done. For now.
Oh Chad smith, go back to your old snare sound please.
with that out of the way, I have this to say. Would the morning have felt odd? I guess I'll never know.