In today's Big Finish podcast (which is day three of a series of podcasts this week) there was an announcement regarding the latest season of Eighth Doctor Adventures audios.
The fourth season, starting with Death in Blackpool (which I don't have and god, I hear it's a tearjerker...), will be the last of the EDAs. In 2011, the Eighth Doctor will be returning to the mainline audios with Five, Six, and Seven.
But that isn't the entire announcement Nick Briggs made about it. Actually, let me just type up what he said... (And if you go
here and listen to today's podcast, it'll start around 7:28 in.):
"The fourth season of Eighth Doctor Adventures, which begins this month with our Christmas special, Death in Blackpool, and continues from July 2010...and runs until February 2011...this will be the last Eighth Doctor series to run separately from the main monthly Doctor Who range. From 2011, the Eighth Doctor will return to the main monthly range for a run of three double-CD adventures alongside the other Doctors' three story seasons.
So the great adventure, which began with Blood of the Daleks back in 2007, will finally come to a truly shattering conclusion in February 2011. And I will say spoilers, no spoilers, but--things may not be quite what they seem this final fourth season. There'll be many, many surprises along the way. There'll be returning friends and enemies, some familiar, some not quite so familiar and some not quite what they appear to be. In many ways, the fourth season in its entirety is one huge finale for the new Eighth Doctor and Lucie Adventures that started with Blood of the Daleks. Something special is going to happen. Dare you miss it?"
Now...I'll just cut to the chase. I hope that when he said "returning friends", he really meant Straxus. I've been DYING for him to come back and the bastard didn't come back at all in the third season! I felt kinda cheated--and they broke the sorta pattern they'd created by having him appear in both season finales! (Though, well, the third season finale had someone else and it was pretty good, I think, but I'll say nothing more on it.)
Please don't disappoint me Big Finish, especially if this will be the last chance I'll get for some new canon for Straxus. (Though depending on what happens, that might screw up everything I've done at R/s...hrm. Enough time will probably have passed... I really can't worry about that until the audios actually come out. For all I know, they might not even bring Nickolas Grace to reprise Straxus, if they bring the character back at all. I shouldn't get my hopes up.)
Actually, while I'm on the topic about canon, he does appear in a Benny story, which is The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel, and dear god, it broke my brain.
Spoilers ahead!
It's a future incarnation of Straxus (with Peter Miles voicing him), one where his time ring went mostly kaput and he's stuck in the Victorian times. With--well, not WITH, but he happens to be there--David Warner Mycroft Holmes. The real kicker is that he's now a Councillor and he still only has a freaking time ring! Sorry Straxus, no TARDIS for you my friend.
Oh, and he has somebody carrying out...questionable deeds all to get the Time Lords' attention that he's stranded and, well, the only one who notices is a younger version of himself. I say younger, but not too much younger; it's the same incarnation just before the cock-up with the time ring.
But just the whole situation and its ties to not only Mycroft Holmes and Benny, but the Faction Paradox stuff, I'm not too eager to adopt that as his definite future self. Besides, this Straxus throughout most of the audio was just a plain selfish dick. It does feel hypocritical of me to hope for new canon through one line of audios and snub another, but I haven't completely snubbed it, I don't think. I like the idea of his attaining a higher position in the High Council and, because I find it hilarious as hell, that he never does get his own TARDIS. Plus I like the thought of his ring malfunctioning on Earth or some other planet and perhaps that's something I can pursue sometime down the line, but not with that particular storyline.
Anyway, that's enough on that. What are your thoughts about the news? Who do you think will return in the next season? What do you think the big twist will be?