Jul 10, 2004 15:33
last night i was watchin this lil murder thing about how this marine was bludgeond to death by a fellow marine with a bat. the marine who commited the crime was extrememly intoxicated and was edged on by the victims roomate to hit him. the roomate contintued to taunt the fellow marine sayin you got beat up by a faggot. a faggot! as of 1993 gays were allowed to join the army as long as they kept their sexuality quiet. one night victim left the base and went to a club where he met a tranvestite who was in the process of changing into a woman. they talked and became friends and soon starting dating. the victim loved the her as a woman not a man. he was not gay. he understood that she was really woman and supported her. the marine being full of a lot of very macho men and anti-gay feelings, the victim soon started being harrases. he was not gay and never admitted being so. one night he got into a fight with the his soon to be murderer who was drunk and he apparently won though no punches were thrown he did have his future murderer pinned. the victims roomate for days after taunted the marine who had been pinned and one night convinced him to beat the suspected "gay" marine. the young marine was sent to prision for life with possibilty of parol. i do believe he was innocent somewhat and that the victims roomate is to be fully blamed but he had made an agreement with the marine and got off easily. MY QUESTION TO YOU IS, DO YOU BELIEVE THAT A MAN OR WOMAN WHO IS DATING SOMEONE IN THE PROCESS OF A SEX CHANGE IS GAY?