Vote Petrelli.

Apr 03, 2007 14:11

Ah Heroes, how I miss thee. Luckily I am still getting my weekly Heroes fix through Channel 7 (last week was the Homecoming episode). Anyway, it had been a while since I drew any Heroes fanart, so I decided to draw a Nathan.

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heroes, icons, art

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Comments 8

ladyalcamy April 3 2007, 05:07:51 UTC
I wish Heroes would already be on tv over here, but they just don't seem to get around to finally airing it. *sighs* Damn hiatus!

Nathan! *squees* Awesome as always. :)

They were showing a few episodes of Veronica Mars over here, but due to the very crappy time slot it got axed pretty soon, so I never really had time to get into it.


damn_squiggly April 3 2007, 06:48:49 UTC
Damn hiatus indeed.
And yay, thankyou! :D


silverwindsongs April 3 2007, 19:16:43 UTC
Ughhh, I missing Heroes too. :( :( Cool drawing though! You're very talented -- I wish I could draw.

Cool icons. :)

VM<3 Season three isn't as good, but I still love it a lot.


damn_squiggly April 4 2007, 02:04:42 UTC
Thankyou! :D
And you are a VM fan? Yay!


mudblood428 April 3 2007, 19:22:08 UTC
Heroes art! Very nice :D

Have you done other stuff from Heroes? Have I missed it???


damn_squiggly April 4 2007, 02:07:10 UTC
Thanks! :D I have drawn a few more Heroes stuff, it's posted it heroes_fanart under my tag if you want to see it.

And wow, I had no idea you friended me! I am in love with your art :O


tonksified April 4 2007, 01:33:38 UTC
Awesome! You're very talented. ♥


damn_squiggly April 4 2007, 02:07:58 UTC
Aw thankyou ♥


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