Dec 05, 2009 00:58
So I think it's time to do laundry. You know, the obscure stuff that doesn't necessarily get washed every time you hit up the laundrymat. I have this pair of sweats on that I drippled eggnog on this evening and I didn't notice at the time.
Now that it's dry I just look like I have a slug semen stain down the side of my pocket.
Appropriate placement too.
haha, kinda.
The first actual batch of holiday nog didn't turn out too bad. I wish I could say that it was because the recipe was down to an exact science, but I think the recipe has been deviated from so much that now it's a whole different monster from the original.
Still magically delicious though
I hate when money stresses me out.
Not necessarily the money itself, more the lack there of. Between rent and all the other bills that have come with the accident that I'll be reimbursed for, I've dropped more than $1200 in the last few days. I mean I was able to get it, but now I don't have that safety cushion at all.
just makes me uneasy that's all.
And due to something like that I don't feel comfortable treking down to socal this weekend for Petro's birthday or to visit my grandma.
Things that I really didn't want to have be on hiatus, but I'll have to make it up to both of them one way or another. We'll see with the upcoming holidays.
The college neighbor kid is amusing. I mean and I say kid, because he just graduated high school and moved to santa cruz to go to community college.
I mean he was born in the 90's...c'mon
we're that neighbor bad influence that makes him seem like a cool kid for hanging out with older people.
haha, I wish that I could say we were that cool.