(no subject)

May 02, 2008 03:09

so last weekend i went to new york. before i left, i made sure that my bed was made, my trash was emptied, my recycling was out, my desk was clean, and my closet door was closed. it's all good, right? you'd think.

so i come back and see that my closet door is open. and my trash can is filled with about five of my propel bottles in it. i don't think of anything of the closet at first. there was the chance i could have left it open since i was packing frantically so i would not miss my train. but the propel...dude, that's expensive. and she tried to deny that she drank it. yet i KNOW i took the recycling out. even if i forgot a bottle or two, i do NOT throw it away. i definately recycle. and it's not that i mind her taking one bottle or two occasionally when she asks. but seriously. five of them? they're about 1.25-1.50 a pop. and without asking...

the more crazy part? so tuesday i go to clean my closet slash organize my shoes on the bottom since i saw that my shoe rack had fallen down. the poles are metal, but the ends are plastic, so i know it falls apart a few times a month. i think nothing of it until i pull it out to put it back together. and the top rod is literally bent in half. it's a metal rod, so it couldn't have been an accident. i ask my roommate about it and she looks away, shrugs, and says: "maybe your shoes are heavy".

excuse me. i wear flip flops. that's IT.


sooooooo glad i'm moving out saturday.
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