Something for the public.

Nov 14, 2006 14:58

Somewhere around here, I was reading some truly ignorant shit, regarding single / unwed / teen mothers / stay at home mothers / etc etc. Most of you know where it came from. This has nothing to do with the people who were involved in the discussion, let's get that out of the way. It's about the things that were said.

Most of the females on my list have children. Me, personally, I don't give a damn what anyone does or doesn't do with their lives. I just find it disgusting when other people, who have no concept of someones situation feels the need to assume shit.

Just because a woman would rather stay home with her child and take care of her family, she is lazy? Shit, I wish I could stay home until my son was 18, and have someone else bringing in the money. Taking care & running a household, as well as raising a family is a job all in itself. It's a FULL time job, and there are no lunchbreaks, or vacations. We don't get sick days. Don't condemn people for the life they choose to live, when you know nothing about it. Or when what you DO know, is based on stereotypes and bullshit.

Just because a mother in unwed, doesn't mean that the child won't be raised well. That also doesn't make her 'ghetto' or a 'hoodrat'. It makes her a mother who isn't married. Simple fact.

As everyone on my list probably knows, I'm 19 years old, and I have an almost 2 year old son. I went through bullshit with his father, and thanfully I'm passed that. I work HARD to take care of my son and give him everything he needs, and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. I'm not ghetto, nor a hoodrat. I don't see anything wrong with collecting welfare if you truly, desperatly need it, and have no other means. I'd rather see a woman do that, and feed her child, then take the chance of going out on the street, tricking to get the money. I do see something wrong with receiving welfare, just so you don't have to work, or just so you can go and get your hair/nails/ etc done.

Are we seeing the difference?

the fact of the matter is, anyone who has negative shit to say about a child they've never even laid eyes on, besides on a computer monitor, is ignorant. And even if the mother is fucked up, a whore, etc.. why do you need to comment? Is it personally doing something to you? Is it hurting your life? Or do you just have a stick up your ass and feel the need to talk shit, so people can say "OMG, you're like so totallly cool for talking shit about a stranger?"

Let's grow up people.
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