Mar 04, 2006 12:52
Gabrielle Gaidot has the most amazing sense of time. Of course it takes a half hour to get from (east) Boynton to my house, almost in the 954.
Renaissance fair = fried twinkies (a staple in the 15th-century England) and hardcore boobage.
They take me away from the strangest places, sweet Danny and Lisa.
[song lyrics allow me to communicate my inner urges better than my own words]
SOAD makes me happy.
Intellectual constipation is a blissful feeling.
Wow. I love sounding almost-kinda-sorta-not-really brilliant.
Man with hand in pocket feels cocky all day.
Eu quero tocar tua busseta molhada.
No importa que se lleva
Porque todo se quitara
Ay, no puedo verla ni en pintura
Cuando empecemos
No me dio cuenta
De que luego tuviera que pagar
Pero se dice tambien
Me voy a acostarme contigo
No me propongo predicar
Vive e dejar vivir
Pero el amigo es un condon en el bolsillo
Yo no soy medico
No soy chapocero
Solamente soy pobre y ya estoy tan solo
Pero si se cambie
Ella seria la mia
Para ser poseido en propiedad, en propiedad
I want to get it on with you, that I cannot do
I will lay down anytime with her, with her...