Wow! This city is so amazing. I have had the absolute best time here. We landed yesterday (20 minutes early, because apparently airlines know how to keep a schedule) and we have not stopped since. It would be a long list already of things we have done.
The quick highlights are that we immediately went and found the Broadhurst which is literally around the corner from our hotel. Our hotel room is approximately the size of a cracker jack box, but it is the best location you could ever ask for and the service has been awesome. So, no compliants. We met up with members from a Dan board that we frequent, had the BEST alcholic drink since the Kit Kat Club, took our first subway ride. Went up to the Top of the Rock, took another subway ride, had dinner at Les Halles, lots of shopping and saw Spam A Lot tonight. Awesome.
I want the following noted for the record. I have successfully used my room key 2 days in a row and this morning when we got on the elevator Ariana said, "Don't hit the help button." I said, "Don't worry, I'm sober now." Our elevator does NOT have a TV in it. However, you don't hit up or down buttons. You type in the floor you are going to at a main keypad and it tells you what elevator to go to and then it pre programs the elevator to take you to that floor. Nifty.
Okay, I was going to put a couple pics up, but LJ cut hates me right now. Why, God, why?
EDIT: This is
anemonerose, posting the pictures for Melissa since LJ seems to hate her at this particular moment. :D
The front of the Broadhurst
Melissa and Ari at the DarBar with, and these are Melissa's words, "fruity drinks that were WAY too potent"
Ta da! :)