(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 08:40

Title: Feels Too Damn Much Like Home
Rating: R
Characters: Mal, Zoë, Wash, Kaylee, Jayne, Inara with a brief
appearance by Bester
Pairings: Zoë/Wash
Love Story: Roger/Mimi from Rent
Word count: 6,869
Warnings: Pre-series so nothing to spoil 
Prompt: Too Much
Summary: Zoë isn't ready for someone to come into her life, until she realizes she let him in anyway.
Notes: This is for shinyhearts Valentine's Day Challenge for
shanalle I hope you enjoy. Also thanks to my Wash for putting up with all my edits and assisting me. <3

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Chapter 6

As the weeks progressed into months, Zoë fell in love with Wash. It was hard not to feel happy around him. He made her laugh. Wash couldn't believe he had gotten so lucky and he told her so often. She smiled at him and told him that she was the lucky one. Kaylee was thrilled that they had final admitted their feelings for one another. Mal didn't seem to be as happy but he also didn't' comment on it.

They did their jobs and did them well. And at night they would go to his bunk or hers and in the morning, Zoë would wake up in his arms, smiling. It was bliss for her. Nothing could ruin it.

They gained a new crew member. Jayne Cobb was an interesting man. He was gruff and opened his mouth when he shouldn't. He had Mal and Zoë at gun point and Mal talked him into switching sides. At dinner, Wash was surprised to learn that Mal hired someone who had tried to kill them. He also wasn't happy that Zoë was in danger all the time.

That night, as they lay in her bunk, Zoë could tell that something was bothering Wash. He lay behind her, as usual, but he seemed distant. "What's wrong?" she asked, rolling over to face him.


"You're lying to me, bao bei."

He looked into her eyes. "You could have died today."

Zoë sighed softly. She reached out to touch his face. "But I didn't. I'm right here, honey." She offered him a smile.

Wash shook his head. "That's not the point." He sat up in bed, pulling the sheet around his lap. "These men could have killed you and Mal. And he goes and hires one of them."

Zoë sat up to face him. She wrapped herself in the blanket to ward herself from the chill she felt when she wasn't in his arms. "What is it you told me? That we can't control the future and we can't change the past?" Something else was bothering him. They hadn't had this argument before. He knew the dangers of her job.

"That isn't the point, Zoë!" He was angry and it caused Zoë's brow to furrow in confusion.

"Then what is the point, Wash, because, clearly, I'm not getting it." Her voice wasn't angry. It was confused. She didn't understand where his anger was coming from.

"What are you doing with me, Zoë?" So that was what was bothering him. Zoë briefly recalled that Jayne had wondered the same thing at dinner.

Zoë paused for a moment, trying to find words to express how she felt. "Wash, I -" He cut her off. He turned and got out of bed and pulled on his pants. He turned to face her.

"Maybe Jayne was right. Maybe you are a fool for being with me." Zoë opened her mouth to protest, but Wash cut her off again. "It's over." He grabbed his shirt and shoes and climbed out of the bunk, leaving a confused Zoë behind.

zoe, zoe/wash, firefly

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