(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 08:31

Title: Feels Too Damn Much Like Home
Rating: R
Characters: Mal, Zoë, Wash, Kaylee, Jayne, Inara with a brief
appearance by Bester
Pairings: Zoë/Wash
Love Story: Roger/Mimi from Rent
Word count: 6,869
Warnings: Pre-series so nothing to spoil 
Prompt: Too Much
Summary: Zoë isn't ready for someone to come into her life, until she realizes she let him in anyway.
Notes: This is for shinyhearts Valentine's Day Challenge for
shanalle I hope you enjoy. Also thanks to my Wash for putting up with all my edits and assisting me. <3

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Chapter 1

Zoë looked up at Mal as he came off the bridge. They had gotten the cortex working a few days ago and Mal had been on it ever since, trying to find them a pilot. They had gotten a pretty decent mechanic, one of the best on Boros, or so Mal told her. She just had to trust him. But Mal looked pretty pleased with himself so she figured he must have had some luck.

"Zoë, I think I found us a pilot. He'll be here in a couple of hours." He was grinning from ear to ear. "Bester says the engine's ready for flight, just needing a pilot." Zoë did her best to smile and headed down to her bunk. She wanted to get off this rock and back into the black. It was where she felt at home.

And here on Boros there wasn't really anything for her to do. So she straightened up her bunk again. She kept everything neat and orderly. It was her way.


By the time Mal's voice cane over the intercom, Zoë had re-made her bed, dusted off all her books and belongings and swept the room up. She climbed out of her bunk and headed down to the cargo bay. Mal looked up at her as she came down the stairs, grinning from ear to ear. He looked pretty damn proud of himself. She stood beside him and watched a man with a moustache and a loud Hawaiian shirt walk towards them.

Zoë looked at her captain. "This is him?" He couldn't possibly be serious. There was just no way. This man looked like a used spaceship salesman, shifty. He took one look at Zoë and smiled broadly.

"Well, hello ther---" He didn't get to finish his thought because Zoë instinctively slammed him against the nearest crate and frisked him, looking for any weapons. Satisfied that she had found none, she let him go and moved to stand to Mal's right as if to say 'Don't mess with me. I rank higher than you.'

Mal smiled as though this was normal. "Hoban Washburne, this is my second-in-command, Zoë Alleyne." Hoban reached out his hand, eyes appraising her still. Maybe frisking him hadn't been such a good idea.

Zoë stood there and refused to shake his hand. There was a pause before Mal said, "Well, let's head up to the bridge so you can get the look of things." He motioned towards the staircase. Zoë stood at the bottom and waited for both men to pass her. She wasn't going to let this Hoban fellow get a look at her backside as well.

rentfic, zoe, zoe/wash, firefly

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