(no subject)

May 16, 2006 01:42

Okay folks. I'm not going to bore you all with the details, but my life hasn't been the greatest.

First, sorry to
noneofyours for the lack of promised present.  It will come soon I promise, although perhaps not how I entended.

Second, I'm sorry I havn't posted any fics lately.  The muse hasn't really been around all that much.  Nothing is coming out the way I want it to and that is annoying to a perfectionist.

Third, for those of you who know and have read Finding Her Serenity, I apologize.  The muse refuses to work on that one.  Maybe now that finals are over, we can have the big reveal (which was one of my biggest issues) and perhaps find out Lia's secret?  Maybe... *crosses fingers*

Just know that I have a lot of transitions going on right now and some not so fun stuff going on with my family, my friends, a certain member of the male gender who shall remain nameless... I promise you all good stuff when I get everything together.  These tension headaches are killing me and part of why the muse is in hiding.

I love you all and hope to have stuff for you to read soon.
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