
May 05, 2006 19:25

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capnzoe May 6 2006, 00:33:30 UTC
I swear, if we get any more similar, we're going to be like, soul mates or something. First of all Batman...let me just tell you how much I love him. Once, when I was dual-enrolled at a community college when I was in highschool, I wrote a persuasive paper on Batman over Superman. Got a big ol'A!!!! Every single reason you put for liking him is one of my reasons as well. Handsome, intelligent, cunning, RICH. lol. And to me, he's more relatable than Superman. OMG too cool!! I actually just bought this book called Batman: Hush. It's a huge hardback book of like 15 comicbook chapters. It's awesome. (Harley Quinn, the Joker's girlfriend, is my fave character, second to the Bat himself).

I also think Othello got a bad rap. I would change that, too.

Simon would definitely be the first to go, in my opinion. He's kinda sorta cool, but such a boob! They could definitely function without him.

My first FF experience was really with the movie. When the series first came on, I had just started college and had no tv whatsoever, so I forgot all about it. Then, years later when I saw the movie with Gina (my love) I jumped at the chance to see it. LOVED IT (except...u know...) So then, my best friend Mike, who's a sci-fi geek, tells me, 'oh yeah, it was based on this really awesome tv show that was cancelled.' I did a little interent research. I had seen the movie on Tuesday. That Saturday I drove to 5 different stores (all over Tampa) looking for the series dvds. From then, I was hooked. Now I have the series, the movie, the official visual companion to the movie, Those Left Behind (the comic) AND a Browncoat tshirt. Obsessed? I think not. :-)


damn_hero_zoe May 6 2006, 00:59:15 UTC
Damn... that's kinda scary... We really are alike. :D


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