(no subject)

Apr 23, 2006 13:46

Title: Dreaming of You
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Pairing: Zoe/Wash 
Prompt: Weeks

Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream
~A Midsummer Night's Dream~

He had been on board for a few weeks. Honestly, I really didn't like him. I still couldn't put my mind on what it was. I thought it had been that gorram lip ferret. But as he walked into the galley for dinner, I realized that wasn't it.

Without a moustache he looked, well, he looked handsome. I managed to hide my surprise well. Bester, on the other hand, did not.

"You shaved!" He didn't seem happy. Took me a minute to realize that Bester had figured out that when the two next went drinking, Wash would probably be getting more attention than he would.

"Yep. Time for a change." He sat down across from me and I looked down at him plate, missing the look he gave me. We passed the protein sround the table and the usual chatter seemed to revolve around Wash. I was quiet, but they didn't seem to notice.

It was my turn to clean up and I gathered some of the plates. I stood, washing dishes, lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, someone was beside me, reaching past me to put plates in the sink. I turned my head only to find myself face to face with Wash. He was so close, I could smell the shaving cream he had used. I turned back to the dishes bubt he didn't move. Instead, he grabbed a towel and began to dry the plates I had left at the side of the sink.

"You don't have to do that."

"I know." He didn't stop. We worked in silence for a while, until all the dishes were clean and dry. Mal and Bester had dissappeared somewhere, leaving us alone. I rinsed out the sink and heard him put the plates away. Then he was behind me again. My body tingled at his closeness. He handed me the towel to dry my hands.

"Thank you." My voice was quiet and it hit me. I was attracted to him. That was the only explanation for the feelings I felt. I stood straighter and folded the towel, moving away from him. There was no way I was going to let myself go through that again.

"Zoe, wait, please?" I paused, foot on the steps to the bunks. I turned my head, face returning to the stoic mask I usually wore. Something in his voice made me want to turn around.


"What did I do to make you hate me?"

I sighed and stepped back into the room. "I don't hate you, Wash."

"Really? Because you're always glaring at me, pickin' fights. What does that tell you?" He moved closer to me, clearly upset.

"What do you want me to say, Wash?" I moved a step closer, hands on my hips.

"I want to know what about me bothers you so gorram much." He was directly in front of me now, face inches from my own. "Is it my dinosaurs? My shirts? Can't be the lip ferret, 'cause that's gone. So what is it?"

I stared at him for a moment. Before I knew what was happening, my lips were on his, my hand on his hip, pulling him closer to me. He hesitated for a moment and in that instant, I second quessed myself for the first time in years. But his hands slid around my waist and his tongue slipped into my mouth and all doubt was gone. I pushed him towards the table, my outh never leaving his. He tasted so good. Before I could press him against the table, he turned us and my back was suddenly bending towards the wooden surface.

His hand slid into my hair, gripping it gently as he pressed me futher back. I couldn't help the soft moan that entered his mouth from mine. His hands were gentle but firm on my body. His lips left mine, traveling along my jaw, tasting me. I pressed my body against his and felt him purr against my throat.

"Wash..." My eyes were closed, head tilted back, baring my throat to him. I felt his lips leave my skin and my eyes fluttered open. He looked at me, his eyes asking me if he had gone too far. I smile. "You busy tonight?" His eyes widened at the question.

"We're on auto. Not due to land for nearly two days."

"Good." I wrapped my leg around his and pulled him closer.

"What are you saying, Zo'?"

I smirked at him and nipped at the tip of his nose. Then I pushed myself up against him, forcing him backward. "I'm sayin' I want you, Wash." When did I get this forward? I held on to the front of his flight suit and kissed him long and hard, his arms tight around my waist, dipping me backward again. I nudged him towards the bunks. It was interesting making it to the hatch of my bunk without our lips breaking apart, but we managed it. His hand slid up the back of my shirt, his callosed fingers making me skin tingle. He crushed me between the wall and his body and I could feel his hardness against my thigh, making me purr deeply into his mouth.

We broke apart long enough to get down into my bunk and lock the door. Our hands were frenzied, clothes flying widely about the room. But once our clothes no longer stood in the way, his hands slowed, caressing my skin. His lips lingered on my neck, marking me as he gently lay me on the bed. We shifted, getting situated on the matress. My knees were bent, ready for him. When he entered me, I gasped. We fell into a slow, deep rhythm, his body practically made for mine.


I slowly opened my eyes. I felt my exhusted then I had in a long time. I blamed that dream. I was laying on my side and I sighed softly. Then I noticed a flight suit discarded on the floor. A strong arm snaked around my waist, pulling me back against him. A smile crept to my lips as I felt him kiss my shoulder. I reached my arm around him, pulling his thigh over my leg, my hand resting there. As he nuzzled my neck, I realized reality is far better than any dream.

Cross posted to
fanfic100, and my own journal.

fic, zoe/wash

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