(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 23:30

okay so I go almost none of the ficing done I wanted to on the plane because there were lots of screaming children... So I got a drabble for
alison_sky to thank her for the lovely icon she made me (and I'll dedicate a better one for you too hun, promise!)

So here it is:

Title: Relaxation
Rating: PGish
A/N: Beware... this is unbetaed and there were lots of small children impeeding my creative process... Don't get my wrong... kids are great... just not on planes...

Zoë walked tiredly into the galley. The job had ended up okay but for a while it looked tetchy. She leaned against the counter as she waited for the tea water to boil. Strong hands found her shoulders and rubbed them gently.

“Relax, bao bei,” Wash whispered behind her and she closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. “You’re so tense, Zoë.”

She sighed. “Comes with the job.” The water began to boil and his hands stilled on her shoulders as he kissed her neck.

“Let me.” He led her over to the table and sat her down, kissing her cheek. “I know you can do this for yourself but let me pamper you for once.” Zoë was in no mood to argue with him. He went about preparing her a cup of tea and placed it in front of her.

“Thank you.” He smiled and stood behind her, hands back on her shoulders, rubbing out the knots as she slipped at her tea. Between the warm liquid going down her throat and his gentle touch, Zoë was soon relaxed. She set her empty mug down on the table and pulled his arms around her so he was hugging her from behind.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Zo. Glad I can get you to relax every once in a while.”

She smiled. “I know something else that’ll relax me and maybe you, too, if you’re lucky.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” he asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

She kissed his arm and stood quickly. His arms wrapped around her as she kissed him deeply. “Oh,” she purred coyly as she pulled back from his lips, “I think you can figure it out.”

He laughed and scooped her unceremoniously into his arms and carried her off towards the bunks. Her laughter echoed through the ship as her husband took her to their bunk. Neither were seen for several hours and everyone avoided the crew quarters. One of these days, Mal was going to have to invest in better sound proofing.
As usual, corrective comments are highly recommended and I love you all.....

fic, zoe/wash

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