Oct 20, 2008 13:01
i caught a sickness. like the flu or something. went to the doctor and got z - p a k hooray.
i feel like ass. plan on skipping my classes today/tonight but i probably wont for the night classes. its really all contingent on how i feel. instead, i fed the squirrels today. that was enjoyable. it only took 2 days to find a damn squirrel. maybe the weather is causing them to hide. they're so frantic. i bought a $3 can of mixed nuts from walmart. i think the squirrel thought it was too salty. i didn't even take that into consideration when shopping. my bad. corey has been drinking airborne so he doesnt get my sickness. i have a feeling its already a little late since he's been exposed and kept kissing me when i said not to. oh well i love him. we enjoyed the park yesterday. we went and fed the birds/ducks/horses/pigs. my sister and joel bought a pig and rooster and they have it in the stall next to her horse. anyway it was fun yesterday. i think we're going to the zoo as soon as it starts cooling down. were tailgaiting for this stupid dolphins game coming up this weekend.
and maybe going to bike night wednesday night. i really dont know.
im tired.
nap time