global warming and sexuality (actually nothing to do with global warming)

Nov 09, 2006 22:13

Lately I've been realising how many assumptions people make about anyone who isn't heterosexual and generally mainstream when it comes to sexuality. Yes, everyone claims to be unprejudiced and accepting. But then little things come out in people's conversations that just make me so sad.

Firstly, it's the way people seem to think that if someone is bi (or whatever), they just like to have sex with the same gender and that it has nothing at all to do with meaningful relationships. People need to learn the difference between "will fuck anything that walks" and "genuinely bisexual". I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I'm looking for a lot more than sex in a girl, and that ultimately I want more than anything else to share a loving, meaningful life with a woman who I really connect with. And on the other hand, I don't really think there's anything wrong with bi-curiosity either, just so long as it's thoughtful and discerning and not just for the sake of having a wider pool of people to choose from when you're looking for a shag.

Secondly, the assumption that we are unclean and promiscuous, and that we're more likely to get AIDS than heteros. What the hell? In case these people haven't realised, there are a lot of straight people who sleep around too. In fact I would suggest that perhaps the more promiscuous people are the straight ones. Yep. I know a lot of bi/lesbian/gay people, and almost all of them are just nice people who have monogamous relationships which last for a reasonable time, often a long time. That's more than I can say for all the other straight people I know. I think a higher percentage of my straight friends are slutty than my gay ones.

Ooh, and also this whole "lesbians are all either butch or pornstars" thing. It's not frikkin' true! I am one of the most girly people I know and I'm not a brainless whore (touch wood!). Why does someone have to be a fanatical feminist and not shave their legs to be a lesbian??? I am, as I can most accurately put it, about 99% lesbian (with one lucky exception hey Julian?), and I feel no desire to grow more hair, get ugly tattoos or pierce everything that can possibly be pierced.

Then again, maybe I'm just an oddity...
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