Nov 25, 2007 13:25
Hell's fury hath desire,
Burning high as a funeral pyre.
But alas 'tis reborn,
In the eye of a woman's scorn.
And in the breath of Satan's last,
His love has turned to putrid ash.
But her blue eyes his love for long,
The echo of his horrid wrong.
He admits to no one still,
The hatred of that earthly thrill.
And ne'er again shall he see,
She who's lover he might be.
Love has it's ways and whims,
But he shall never love again.
And as the time may pass,
There she stands through the wall of glass.
Beautiful and untainted,
His time with her seems wasted.
For Satan's love is never broken,
The value of such a thing unspoken.
Spiked hair and piercing eyes,
The pointed ears are made unsanctified,
By four pierced holes and four silver rings.
His wrath is of bullets who long to sing.
hiruma yoichi hirumamo anezaki mamori