Dec 11, 2011 00:41


In other words, "Characters Masa has no business apping!"

character: harveyinmyhead
series: Farscape
apping priority: ■■■■□: He's been itching at the back of my head for a long time now. I regret dropping him and would like to give him a fair shake.
muse strength: ■■■□□: I think I have a solid voice for him (and Scorpius), it's getting into his motivations that concern me. Especially regarding Aeryn. The fact I don't really like John/Aeryn as a couple is a bad sign.
cast strength: □□□□□: N/A, but the possibility of a Scorpius could make his priority become a slam dunk.
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: I kind of had a hard time getting him involved last time. I think maybe a later canon point might help, early Season 4, when the crew is still fractured. He might be a little better at being separated from his 'family' that way.
general fun level: ■■■■□: When I'm in the right thread, he's awesome. Other times I have no idea what I'm doing. So it's really touch and go with him.
likelihood of drop: ■■■■■: It's me.

character: Arthur Pendragon
series: Merlin (BBC)
apping priority: ■■■□□: Kind of middlish, since I haven't finished the series yet.
muse strength: ■■□□□: Haven't played him yet, so I have no idea. But I think he would come pretty easily.
cast strength: □□□□□: N/A
plotting capabilities: ■■□□□: My one hang up is that Arthur is, ultimately, a pretty squishy human. He may be an incredible sword fighter, but in a game like Luceti, that doesn't matter much. I already have two characters like that in Sokka and Ling. That said, he's Arthur Pendragon and people will know who he is. So there's a lot I can do with him.
general fun level: ■■■□□: I think he'll be fun? I only worry that he'll be redundant to Thor. Not that their voices would be similar, but the characters have certain parallels. I'd almost feel like Arthur was Thor's replacement.
likelihood of drop: ■■■■■: It's me.

character: Cameron Mitchell
series: Stargate SG-1
apping priority: ■■■□□: Again, just another thing I'm thinking about. Not feeling too strongly one way or another.
muse strength: ■■■□□: Given it's the same actor as Crichton, the voice wouldn't be hard to find. There are personality differences. The fact he's more or less sane, but just as snarky, would make him easier to play.
cast strength: □□□□□: N/A
plotting capabilities: ■■□□□: Not sure. He's a military character so there's that to work with. He's also used to being in weird situations. That said, the lack of freedom would drive him nutty. That COULD be fun to play with though.
general fun level: ■■■□□: Crichton and Mitchell are both fun characters. I think Crichton is more fun, though. Mitchell is a little more mundane in comparison, from having less overall screentime and a pretty simple background. He is, however, free from awkward ships.
likelihood of drop: ■■■■■: It's me.

character: sleepswithpigs
series: Pirates of the Caribbean
apping priority: ■■□□□: Won't lie, he's a fair bit lower than the others. I love the PotC cast we have, but there are certain factors I'm not comfortable talking about that dissuade me from going through with it.
muse strength: ■■■■□: Pretty good, actually, though I admittedly do falter with him at times. I feel kind of odd when tagging with castmates for reasons I'm not sure. It's easier messing with other people.
cast strength: ■■■■□: Amazing.
plotting capabilities: ■■■■■: Given the CR base already set up with Jack and company, I'd be able to ride out what everyone else is doing and just HOPE I could keep up.
general fun level: ■■■■□: He's got a lot of potential, really. He's a funny old man who will mostly just hang out with people. Unlike the above, he is content to just tag around with Jack and let him solve all the problems. What he can and can't do won't bother him as much.
likelihood of drop: ■■■■■: It's me.

So. When it comes down to it, I don't want to play six characters. It's just not happening in Luceti. But I think it's likely that when it comes to Thor and Ganondorf, one of them isn't going to make it. I have a lot more invested in Ganondorf and I really want to play out his arc, but I don't quite get him out as much as I want to. And I'm not sure it's fair since I'll probably never make him go full on bad guy. But he's just not forming CR bonds that matter. On the other hand, I really am uncomfortable with the fact I don't know Thor's background inside and out. I'm used to knowing everything about my character and having little left in the air. Either I have canon or I fill the rest with headcanon. I just. Can't do that with Thor.

Either way, both of them have similar ways of speaking and that causes them to blend together a bit to me. So I'm not sure how long they'll last.

I should also probably not app anyone, since there's a chance Asgard will... you know, actually work out. I am really enjoying Prince there. I'm mostly waiting it out to see if the game will mellow out into something less active than Luceti. If it continues to be more active than Luceti, I probably won't last there long. Either way, I sent an app for Groose there, but only because of the deadline. I'm not sure if I'll end up actually playing him there long (or at all), because he's probably best left as meme fodder.

That all said, I am so amazed that these are all live action characters. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME??
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