it's been a while....

Jul 25, 2010 21:11

...but I am going to make an effort to post. Nothing too flashy, so don't get too excited.

I am training for a sprint triathlon (less than 2 weeks away!), the MS ride in New Bern in Sept., and a half marathon in October. And I'm still teaching for Healthy Moms.
Lots of workout gear gets washed in this house. Lots of showers, too. (Oh, btw, hubby is training for tris and the Ride Without Limits.)

B is 5 now and begins kindergarten in less than 2 weeks. *SQUEE!!* Oh, how he has grown!

So, today was the day I purchased new pedals (with clips) and shoes for my bike. Greg keeps telling me that I will be amazed at the difference when I ride. "Super!", I think.
Was supposed to do a brick tonight: 5 miles on bike, then immediately switch shoes, etc, and go run 3 miles. New clips/shoes/pedals on bike, mind you... FAILURE. Couldn't get my shoe off the clip. Greg had to hold my bike upright until I got one loose. Then he said I should clip back in and try it again. Okay. Done. "Try again." Okay. Done. (This is while he's holding the bike + me upright on said bike.) Now he says, "Okay, go on to the end of the road and try again, then come back." I nod, "Okay, here I go!" I get the left foot clipped in and forget to have that foot/pedal up high to get a good push off... Foot down low = no power whatsoever. Keep in mind that Greg had let go of the bike...
I totally had a slow-mo comedic fall from upright to flat on my left side.
And I (seriously) giggle-screamed the whole way down. (You know what I'm talking about, ladies.) And Greg is standing there, wide-eyed. "You okay?"
Me, laughing: "Yep. Knew that would happen..."
G, smiling: "Well at least no one saw it."
Me: "Well, I'll be posting it on fb, soooo... Moot point?"
Ahhh, the power of the internets.

btw: Jillikins, can I haz new training icon? Oh, my icon goddess?!? Pwetty pwease with pats on top? (LYMI!)
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