Aug 12, 2009 05:47
augh. i am too excited to sleep.
stupid new jersey held my sister hostage yesterday so she didn't get home. hopefully she is on a plane right now and will be here in a few hours.
i tried to get some sleep last night early and did sleep for a while but now i can't and have been up since max left for work at 4:30. i can't ever sleep when i have something exciting or scary to do the next day. knowing i have to be somewhere at a certain time when its before i am normally up makes me so nervous that i can't get to sleep because i think about how much time left to sleep i have and just keep myself awake.
i am just so antsy to have some sister time. at least i got a few in so i should be ok for the day its just a matter of getting the hours to pass until its time to pick her up.