Call it serendipity......

Oct 06, 2007 19:15

State of the Drew address:

I don't update this thing at all anymore, however, I think enough has gone on in my life to warrant an update, and doesn't that just make ya'll happy?

1st a knee update: I had my MRI results read yesterday, and diagnosis is that I have Mild patella tendonitis, Osgood-Schlatters disease, The beginnings of arthritis, and a chronic partial tear of the ACL, and the only thing to be done is just rest and relaxation...... I've been doing that for years and it STILL hasn't worked, so we will have to see if more of the same will make a difference.

Now from the mundane, to the almost bizzare:

If you were around my journal around 2 years ago (of if you've read back far enough), you might remember this entry: ( about the dude who was a huge jamband fan noticing my CD book, well, we met once, I lost the guy's number and didn't really think anything of it. Well 2 nights ago I get a phone call from the guy's mother, and apparently she has been trying to track me down ever since that summer day, she has a son who like me, has Cerebral Palsy, however, unlike me, he has it very advanced, complete with a stutter, clubbed feet, very VERY high anxiety, and all that jazz, needless to say, this guy has it rough.

But there is one joy this guy has in life: jamband music, huge fan of moe. OBSESSED with Phish, and big String Cheese Incident fan, and has dove head-first into these bands, and subsequent related bands, so already we have a couple of deep connections, and since we have all of these similarities, she wanted me to meet him and see if we would connect, (what makes this even more weird is that he lives UP THE ROAD from me) so yesterday I made the trip over to his house armed with my now 3 CD books and DVDs to meet him.

We immediately bonded, we touched on how rough high school life was, and I told him that if he ever wanted to go back (he is currently home-schooled), when he's older that it would be easier, though I can relate with him with the CP, watching him, talking to him, and just interacting with him humbled me quite a bit, I never use the CP as a crutch, but it's not a fucking enormous deterrent for me in any way, however, watching him made me realize just how lucky I am.

So after long discussions about life and things like it, I popped in my moe. Live At The Fillmore DVD for us, and we were both rocking out, singing along, laughing, talking and just plain having a great time, for those 2 hours, we were just 2 guys, no disabilities, no physical or emotional pain, just fun, connected by a mutual love of music.... it was great.

Afterwards I was talking to his mother, and I found out the purpose of me being there, all she wants is for me to be a friend, and also to be sort of a teaching tool, an influence, she wants me to show him that CP isn't a death sentence, to show that even WITH this affliction, you can live a full, happy life. And it sort of blows me away that somebody wants me to be an inspiration to their child

Niki asked me 2 nights ago if I bielieve in fate yet.

Well, I'm starting to.

fate? kinda?

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