
Aug 24, 2009 12:47

We have taken to calling the guineas "peeps", because "guineas" is too long for us lazy people, and I keep forgetting that the proper word for baby guineas is "keet", instead of "chick".


The peeps are deeply attached to me - or, well, to people in general. I'm not sure how well they can tell whose giant hand is in their faces, but they need somebody's giant hand, or they start cheeping the cheeps of the lost. I've moved their cage into the guestroom, which is where I spend the vast, vast majority of my time, and I sometimes sit on the floor next to them with my computer, instead of taking my more usual place on the couch. (Sitting on the couch is certainly possible, but they sometimes fail to perceive that I am still there, and then I have to wave a foot around until they believe that I have not, in fact, abandoned them.)

Evey has developed a serious distaste for cages, which is mildly amusing, considering her namesake; while the rest of them are usually okay with cheeping woefully for company from inside the cage, Evey prefers to slip through the sides and go running around looking for me. She also likes to nap on my hand, which is very endearing.

On the upside, all this dependency means that we have likely succeeded in our goal of making them relatively tame; on the downside, I leave for school in about six days, and after that it's up to my dad - who works from home - to shower them with love and attention. Not that he won't do his best, but he's a pretty busy guy. I'm not sure he has the time or the inclination to sit on the floor with one hand in their cage.

They still refuse to sleep peacefully unless they are all packed up together inside the modified kleenex box I made for them (which I have taken to calling the Nap Box). However, once you put them in there and drape a towel over the top, they'll go out like five little lights, which can be pretty handy.

I've been so occupied with them that I haven't written much of anything lately, but presumably that will change once I'm back at school - I tend to end up with weirdly huge amounts of free time when I'm there, which is perhaps because I have almost no social life at all. \o/ I certainly hope it does, since there's oodles of cliché-bingo-based stuff yet to do, and also I am still slogging away at the great HP AU.

I had another very strange dream; not much of this one stuck, except for the very strong impression that 1) I spent at least part of it in some back section of Dan & Whit's that was ... a restaurant, instead of the stock-feed-and-gardening supply part that's actually in the back of D&W's, and 2) at some later point I was at home, and I passed Adam Lambert on the stairs as I went to fish the peeps out of the sink, where they had somehow ended up. Clearly I have been reading too much AI8 lately.

babies are terrifying, cracky dreams are cracky, pets, school in general, nature makes me happy, fic talk

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