solitude, emptiness, gardens.

Sep 26, 2011 09:56

Ugh, long week was incredibly long, which would be why I sat around and did nothing but war on the UK this weekend. Victoria is such a beautiful, beautiful time-waster; I am the furthest I have ever gotten now that I have reached the 1870s and begun producing telephones, and I won a chunk of Canada and part of Ulster and I feel SO ACCOMPLISHED. There are people out there who mod it extensively to make it follow history more and more exactly, but I don't have that urge at all - I love the games where the Metis Confederacy and Columbia declare independence from the UK, where Mexico gets the entire west coast of the US, where the Crimean War ends with Russia giving Alaska to the Ottoman Empire. It's like an alternate history simulator, and I get to participate. Plus I think it's making me better at geography.

But! More importantly, my
ladiesbigbang is just about ready to go, and I turned in my first draft for
thelittlebang, even if it still needs editing. Both of them are at least twice as long as they were supposed to be, and I'm probably going to need at least a couple more weeks for the next chapter of LttE; but overall I feel pretty okay. Which is great, because when I signed up I was kind of figuring two big bangs at once would make my head explode. :D

Which, by the by:
thelittlebang complement signups are open, and aside from my ridiculous porn-free epic, there are ten fics in ten fandoms (CW RPF! Hanna! My Little Pony! Glee! Power Rangers! ST:TNG/DS9/VOY!) that are eligible and indubitably deserving of art - if anyone happens to have time to put together a wallpaper, short vid, collage, what have you, signups are @ LJ | @ DW. I'll have to take a look around my caps folder and see whether I could pull together cover art, or maybe a wallpaper ...

[crossposted; original at Dreamwidth]

games: victoria, games, challenge: ladiesbigbang, challenge: thelittlebang, challenge: ladiesbigbang: 2011, challenge

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