I just ran over one of the scariest bugs I have ever seen in my life while mowing. It was like a fly, except a fly the size of a Junebug. This is cruel of me to say, but I am really glad it was dead, because, eep. EEP. D:
Anyway. The A:TLA movie continues to get bad reviews, which is joymaking, although I wish some of them focused more on the, you know, giant racism thing (or at least
didn't dismiss it). I am also given to understand, via
jedifreac's review, that there is also a good helping of genderfail, and possibly that Suki got cut from the movie entirely? I mean, not that I needed any more reasons to avoid this movie, but if I had, well. That would make for a pretty friggin' big one. (I'll admit that a tiny part of me is drawn to it in a very oh-god-a-car-crash-I-can't-look-away sense. Just how many things did they screw up, anyway?)
I will say that it makes working on my LBB fic all the sweeter. :D