I ... am so lazy I hate myself a little bit. :P I need to artificially embusy myself - make a schedule or something - because I'm caught in this weird place where I have just enough I ought to be doing that I want to avoid it, and yet so little to be doing that I feel like a COMPLETE FAILFACE for not just buckling down and getting it done. RRRGH.
But now that I've admitted it to myself, I can fix it. I can't believe I'm going to a DCOM for part of my life philosophy, but, self: skate better.
ladiesbigbang fic has - well, the visible output in the actual fic file has stalled temporarily, because I am re-wrangling some plot things that I thought I had already wrangled. Part of the result is an increase in the AUitude of the fic, which I think is probably a good thing but also makes my notes file a touch more complicated. Still, if it will make the fic better, then I had better do it.
BURN NOTICE. I ... was maybe watching as much of the all-day marathon as I could manage without feeling like a complete bum - which was helped along by the fact that some of the stuff I'm supposed to be doing is on the computer. S1 and S2, I have watched about a bazillion times each, because of my efforts to suck other people into the show; but S3, I didn't have on DVD until yesterday, and I was at school with somebody else's TV when a bunch of the eps were showing. :P So the marathon was actually really nice.
Anyway, I am obvs ridiculously biased, but MICHAEL! FI! SAM! MADELINE! ♥♥♥♥♥! I loved that Fi and Sam were hurt but not paralyzed by Michael's absence, and that it took a bit for Michael to figure that out - at first, it was very "yay you're back! Now come on, we've got to go help a guy" (and I greatly enjoyed the multiple renditions of the story, and Michael turning around post-day-saving to ask, "So, who is this guy, again?"), and then Fi brought it home with the smack to the face - of course it hurt that Michael was gone again, but it wasn't going to stop them from continuing to save the day in his absence. ♥! I greatly enjoyed the setup of - the new Management? Management's Boss? Uriel? Clearly I need to watch this again - just because I have faith that they will do something awesome with him, and my dismay over the burned guy at the end was alleviated by the ads for next week's ep that started airing, like, right after this ep was over. And I loved Michael's tiny breakdown at the end, and Madeline hugging him - Michael getting teary really hits me, he cries so rarely that whenever he does, it makes me really feel the weight of whatever's eating at him, and to hear him actually voice his worries to Madeline like that ... He's learning! Growing as a person! A huge woobieface! Conclusion: SO MUCH ♥.
I also caught a little In Plain Sight; I have seen, like, four episodes, but I LOVE that show. Mary is awesome, and I could listen to her banter with Marshall, like, ALL DAY. ALSO ♥. I need to start watching that more consistently. Oh, and speaking of awesome ladies, I have to remember to make a note of when HawthoRNe is airing - and, what is it, Rizzoli & Isles?
And I suppose this might be a good time for me to natter about Iron Man 2, which I only just saw this week.
I ... loved it. /o\ Yes, the beginning made me cringe a little, with the dancers in the background, but it was also so in character for Tony Stark. He's a HUGE woobie, but he's wrapped his woobieness in about eighty layers of GIGANTIC ASSHOLE. Sigh. You want to hug him and smack him at the same time.
I loved Ivan - "Your software is shit." - and it was weird but awesome to see Guy Fleegman in a Senate hearing. Sam Rockwell did a great job, but I have imprinted on Galaxy Quest so hard that every time I saw his face, I kept thinking things like, "Do I?! Do I?! I'm just Crewman #6!" and "Didn't you guys ever watch the show?" I just about fainted when Tony made Pepper CEO, and I maybe left the movie with just a little bit of a hankering for Pepper/Natasha administrative world-saving head-kicking ladyslash. I do wish Pepper hadn't resigned at the end, but I think part of the point was that Tony's messes really ought to stay his own - he can't make them and then hand them off to more responsible people to fix for him, he needs to take responsibility for them himself. And I can't argue with that.
I'm sorry that they replaced Rhodey, for whatever reason it was, but Don Cheadle was, of course, AWESOME. ♥. (And so was Nick Fury, of course. :D) I loved that it wasn't hugely easy to sort out Tony and Rhodey's issues; Tony definitely needed somebody to smack him in the head, but letting Not-Guy-Fleegman get his hands on a suit was obviously not good, and Rhodey clearly had reservations about that even as he helped it happen. And it was clearly a nasty situation - I can practically send myself into an attack of claustrophobia just by thinking about being trapped in that kind of a suit without any control over its movements - but it was also a bit amusing, hearing Rhodey keep calling out his own suit's moves to Tony, until Natasha rebooted it.
Of course Tony built himself, what, a particle accelerator in the basement, and made a new element in his free time - granted, it was to save his life, and it wasn't like he could leave the house ("I will taze you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet."), but still. Oh, Tony. The fight scenes got a little dull - except for ScarJo's, I could watch Natasha beat people up all day - just because they were a bit repetitive; there was one part of the scene in the garden-thing below the globe where I could've sworn I was watching a video game. I loved that Pepper was ordering the police around, and Tony saving her was sweet - although I'll admit there was a moment where I was wondering how well she'd really be able to breathe, if somebody were holding her and flying that fast ... but then I let it go, because, superhero movie. Anyway, overall, lots of fun; I am cautiously hoping that all of the Avengers movies may actually be reasonably good. **crosses fingers** And I love Pepper and Natasha forever.
And now I probably ought to get moving. Today's a good day for my self-improvement project to kick off, because I actually have a fair amount to do: weeding this morning, picking my dad up from the bus, and stacking wood for a couple of family friends in the afternoon. \o?