Mar 31, 2006 16:30
i just got back from watching a movie the second night in a row i have gone to the movies...tonight i saw stay was rather...lame i guess is the word..and last night i saw V for Vendetta and it should have been called "F for Fantastic!" great movie i highly recommend it...
Speaking of last night this reminds me of something that happened to me last night...i was leaving from the mall/movies...and driven and i took off kinda fast well this guy ina mustang come sup beside me...throws his car into nutral and revs up at me...then i thought to bored there is nothing else to do..why we get up the the light...and you guessed it...we stopped ..HAHAH you though i was gonna say..we get to the light and we rev up just like in the movies...well we didnt...but we did race...and i won...and then we got to the second light..and then we reved dont know which way im going with this story do you...left then right...haha...yeah and so we went again and i won again...BUT! i didnt exceed double the speed limit either time...i breaked out guessing the guy in the mustang doesnt know how to drive very well if i beat him...he would have had atleast a v-6 and 200+ hp.... i have a 2002 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V.. 2.5 liter DOHC kick'n 175 hp..which is alot for a stock 4 banger...and yes my car is set up for autocross racing and what not..but hey a win is a think ill do it again though its dangerous and wrong...
Moving on! at work i work with this civilian who is Deaf..and its absolutely great... His name is learning so much from him. he is a hoot to be around...we talk about how the guy over the corrosion shop(dennis) is fact he almost blew up the shop today and nearly messed up 2 HVLP guns...because he turned the heat on in the booth (130 degrees) and left the paint guns in there and open containers of mixed paint...heres whats wrong with that...
1.) the heat would have dried the paint in the guns...rendering them usless...especially the one that had primer in it..
2.) he could have blew up the shop..because all those paints and chemical in that booth at the time are highly flammable...
Im learning alot of Sign language from Petey and its quite far ive learned..
sign, learn,What, from, this, is, where, dirty, maybe, how, say, break, work, dumb, ignorant, stupid(the last 3 are what we think about smart one that turned the heat on) like, want, thank you, you're welcome, friend, good thats like 20 + signs in a matter of 2 days...before i was just spelling out everything in the sign alphabet...
I dont know what else to write..nope nope... and its time for bed...