Jul 19, 2010 13:56
This LJ post is brought to you by LochJournal!
After having nothing but trouble with posting, particularly with LJ cuts, I looked into it and apparently LJ is not very compatible with Internet Explorer, and was suggested to download a independent client. I picked this one since it was the smallest and one of the highest recommended. I love it so much! It's completely streamlined my posting so I no longer have to go back repeatedly to try and edit the entry. I'd finally resorted to going old school with html, but LochJournal will put in the html with the push of a button, making my life sooo much easier.
Got the first fic for my challenge comm completed. It was emotionally exhausting to write, as it was told from the POV of Jensen, who was buried alive. When I write, especially if I want the fic to be particularly emotional (which is only always), I put myself in the character's shoes. Being a very sensitive empath, it can get intense, depending on the situation. I was so happy by the end when he was saved, but I needed a nap afterwards. Still, I'm quite proud of the fic altogether. My muse has been flighty at best lately and it's always a rush to actually finish a story. Especially since I get nothing but praise for my writing. ((BTW: Sorry if this seems a bit pretentious, but I'm just being honest about my writing process. Everyone does it differently, right?))
In awesomeness news, The Losers is out on DVD tomorrow!!!! I was gonna go to Wal-Mart at midnight and buy it, but A. I'm broke till I get paid tomorrow, and B. Target has the DVD/Blu-Ray/Digital Copy bundle for the same price as the DVD. I don't HAVE a blu-ray player, but when I do the first thing I wanna watch is Chris Evans pretending to shoot people....with mind bullets! (That's telekinesis. ^^) The second thing I wanna watch is Eli Roth bludgeoning Nazi's to death with a bat. ("When I get a blu-ray player, I'm so buying that [Basterds] so I can watch Eli in all his glory......or should I say 'IN-glory'. *sniggers*" Jeremy: *rolls his eyes*)
Anyway, off to work soon, so I'm gonna go work on my next challenge fic. This one is gonna be exhausting too. -_-;;;