Exercise your demons!

Sep 09, 2008 07:59

Friday night after work, I went shopping. I had to buy a pants a size up from where I was. So I was a 38, and I'm back in a 40 now.

On Saturday, I went to weigh in at Weight Watchers. I'm now 246 pounds. At some point this year, I was at 219. At least I'm not back up to over 400, I guess. When I tried on some clothes to figure out what I wanted to wear that night, I found out that several of my shirts are now too small. That was a bit of a downer. I ate what they served at the dinner without worrying about points. I figured I already ordered and paid for it.

Sunday was the kickball games. I decided to walk to the park for more exercise, which was about a ten minute walk to the field.

After work on Monday, I decided to go back to weigh in as Monday is my normal weigh in day at Weight Watchers. I found out I lost over three pounds! I grabbed some dinner on the way home and then played DDR for about an hour. I did 35 songs in a row. I was sweating, which means I was getting a workout.

This morning, I got up an hour early and lifted some weights and did some push ups. The push ups sucked, but you have to start somewhere.

Tomorrow is Yoga. Or rather, Yoga for Regular Guys. It's a power yoga program by professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page. It has good reviews so I figured why not. Next week, I'm going to start adding walking to my daily activities.

So I have a full week of either cardio or strength training with one day off for rest. And that day is when I play kickball. I'm not going to count golf, tennis, or kickball as my normal exercise regime either. I can do this!
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