CLICK THIS That makes me very happy. But also makes for a very poor poor Eric come October. I was hoping this would happen and I hope that these sculpts come out good. I would be very angry if my 12 inch talisac didn't look as cool as the 6 inch one =|. But it's coming from Mcfarlane toys so it'll be tight. I'm also glad they cancled the Terminator 12 inche guy. He sucked. Plus that toy company is milking the hell out of the terminator series. Tonight I will be working on my new layout for my site. It will probably be finished tonight as well because it is a very simple layout. I just have to build the graphics for it so I see no big problem with it. That's all for now. Ashadeus I have an LJ code for you. Actually I have 3 to choose from if you want it bebeh.
evil eric