I got idea man
You take me for a walk
Under the sycamore trees
The dark trees that blow baby
In the dark trees that blow
And I'll see you
And you'll see me
And I'll see you in the branches that blow
In the breeze,
I'll see you in the trees
Under the sycamore trees
What t.v. show plus episode did this song come from? If you guess correctly you'll receive a signed copy of my ass. Last night I was talking with alot of old friends. They all just came on at once. I had like 8 im windows up. It was weird. The only people who were missing where george and mark. It was nice. I found out my friend heather is getting married. That's always nice. I have always thought that short guys and tall girls go along funny together. I am recovering from a hangover from last night. I drank to much =(. I owe cc a phone call and a pencil letter. I am full of alot of thoughts but I don't know how to express them. I fucking want that twin peaks dvd set. If I did get it I could nab screen shots for tattoos. I need a dvd drive first i guess. Does anyone want to take screen shots of a nightmare before christmas, so I can finally get my tattoo done. I also need some good pics of the midget from twin peaks, michael anderson. Oh yeah, "does anyone want to buy me pressies, i just died my hair today for the 8th time look at my wishlists and buy me vibrators =|". Gotta love sluts. I bought the evil dead special edition book of the dead dvd. Allthough I didn't watch it yet because I wanted to watch it with the woman. The problem is, our dvd player does not like to play the gold faced dvd's. It only likes to play the silver ones. So when I put it in yesterday it did not work. :/. I wil try it again tonight and if it comes on, i'm leaving it on all day and night untill we can watch this goddamned thing. I wish jesus was still around. Ho Hum. 4 girls that kick ass are:
evil eric
(and people say i have to much drama ahh geez fee fee)