May 07, 2011 15:51
Night of Monday April 12th [day 316]
Ever since Kate asked me for news of Nanshe I have been looking for her in dreams. And have not found her. I do not know if I should worried yet. It hasn't been that long since I started my search. Really, it hasn't. So why do I feel this sense of urgency? As if the longer the search goes on for the less chance I have of finding her?
I had thought that with having met her and our exchange of gifts that it should be easier to find her in dreams, for usually the dreams of those I am close to are easy to find, but maybe it is different for her as she has no dreambubble of her own. Or maybe She walks farther than I can. Since I took up this search I have been coming home earlier from the Tavern and took a few nap during the day to see if that made any difference.
I wish I could use the compass in the dreams but it doesn't seem to point anywhere specific when I try to use it. And in the waking world it just sits there. That's a thought, I should try using it in the waking world if I don't find her tonight. What if I can't find Nanshe in dreams because she has crossed to the waking world?
Either way I should tell Kate what I think. But only after I have tried both ways. I don't want to look like an idiot or as if I'm coming up with excuses for failure. I fly through dreams of clouds and ships looking for any hint hat she's here. I seek and do not find. Maybe I'm doing this all wrong!
I bank in a wide loop and drop down til I am back in my own dreamspace. I fashion a mountaintop and settle. Take a deep breath and call out, "Nanshe! "
[OPEN to Nanshe]
ic outtakes,
set up for tag,