Engagement Announcement

Sep 18, 2008 00:21

I’ll be in Madison for Geek.Kon Saturday, Sept. 27th , as well as the day after. Liz, my fiancée, will also be there for the Con.

Attention, Magic players in Madison (who I want to play EDH and Legacy with): My brother Craig wants to start playing competive Legacy, but can’t find a group that plays Legacy tournaments on any kind of basis. Do you have any recommendations for him?

Anyway, as you may or may not know by now, I’m engaged. If you didn’t know by now, it’s okay. Not everyone checks facebook compulsively. Many of you hardly know anything about me since I left Madison (or whenever else we parted ways). I’d love to get reacquainted with you, so I especially encourage you to leave comments or questions, related or unrelated. Everybody else reading this is encouraged quite a bit, but not as much as the people who don’t really know me anymore.

So, I’ll start painting this picture as broad as I can. As most of you know, I left MATC for the four-year college UW-Eau Claire (UWEC) in the winter of 2007. I went there mainly for three reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, I had a friend who was going to school there, Ben Freeman. He’s got a facebook profile, look him up. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have gone to UW-Miluakee, or perhaps some school in Minnesota. I also picked Eau Claire because I could choose a philosophy major. I’d wanted to do philosophy since meeting Eric Brooks [/facebook shoutout] when I was a sophomore in high school. I also wanted to go UWEC for a while because I had a girlfriend living in the city, but we’d broken up by the time I made my decision, so it didn’t weigh that much. Maybe a bit, having already made up my mind a bit. She’s Ashley Albrecht (also facebook). Though we don’t really talk anymore, we’re on good terms. We met at an anime convention that Ben Freeman (hooray, Ben!) introduced me to in Eau Claire No Brand Con (www.nobrandcon.com). The convention is run mostly by university students. The year after I met Ashley, Liz joined No Brand Con, and went on to the treasurer, the head of cosplay, and the head of art over the span of ’06 until now. It wasn’t long after I hooked up with Liz than I started going to No Brand Con meetings with her. I kept going to No Brand Con meetings, and was staff during most of 2007. I quit the con this fall, and don’t really want to go into the reasons why right now. They are many, complicated and leave me feeling angry. Leave a comment if you want to know why.
Anyway, I ultimately met Liz through the lunch table I sat at. I went at making Ben Freeman’s friends my friends, and ate at the same table he did at lunch. We socialized, joked, and played a lot of card games like Corporate Shuffle, Flux, and some kung fu game that was really cool. One day this cute girl was giving people head massages, and said I wanted one, too. She gave me one, I gave her one, and we both loved them. Later, after I learned she played Magic, I invited her to come over to a mutual friends’ place to play and build decks. It was there that I asked her out. She suggested Mongolian BBQ at China Buffet, but we wound up going to the Acoustic.
So, that’s how we met. She’s also into D&D and pretty much any other game you play on a tabletop. She’s a Biochemistry major, so it’s kind of interesting knowing that we’d probably never meet if it wasn’t for that clique. I’d spend all my time taking classes in the humanitites building, and she would stay in the science building. Her reaction to religion is generally “no thanks,” and I considered majoring in it.
Fast forward a year and a half to this month, about a couple weeks ago, to when I became sure that I wanted to marry Liz. We’d just started living together, and even though we are still having arguments and adjusting to it, I realized that I could make a promise to live and love with Liz for the rest of my life. I took a two dollar bill out of my wallet, and gave it to her. Aside from the blanket I had when I was an infant, that two dollar bill was probably my oldest possession. I believe I got it for my 2nd birthday. I can’t remember it ever being anything other than one of my oldest possessions. I had it on my bulletin board in high school, and I had the bill pinned there. When I was penniless, I could look at that and say “I may be almost broke, but I still have that in my possession.” When I got my first “real” job with Burlington Coat Factory via Elizabeth van Styn (who has facebook) when I was 18, I bought a nice leather wallet, and started carrying the two dollar bill around with me. And I kept doing it until quite recently. The bill stopped being money to me, and started being a priceless, Glamour-filled object. Back when I was 16, my first girlfriend Alicia Hallenbeck (I friended just a couple days ago) wanted me to give it to her, but I never did. I decided long ago that it would be a great gift, but not good enough to give to somebody who wasn’t going to be my wife. So, I guess what I’m saying is that I didn’t give Liz an engagement ring, but I had something to give her since before Alicia and I had our one-month anniversary. Liz gave me her oldest possession, a stuffed animal, a white kitty. There were tears, it was cute.
Anyway, we’re to be wed. It won’t be soon; we plan to marry March 21st, 2010, the semester after the last one I anticipate having. I suppose if something terrible happens and I need to take another semester of school, we’ll do next March 21st. I’m pretty big on that date. Other than that, we’re pretty unsure about the specifics. Liz wants it underneath a big, awesome tree, and I want a lamb killed at the moment of marriage, and served at the reception. I’ve told Liz this, but I don’t know if she knows how serious I am. I also want a Unitarian minister to perform the ceremony, because as an agnostic philosopher, it’s the closest religion I can get while remaining true to myself.
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