Events and upsets...

Jul 18, 2004 14:18

Well this has been the second envent in a row that me and Angus made no cash!. And to top it off Angus who is the offical SCA and Mideveal reenactment represnative for the Leather factory and Tandy Leather has had another gentelman who has shown up at the last two events selling the same items. The Weekend before we attended the dismal pahtetic Push for Pensic that was more like a crawl. Not 1 person at the venrt was gpoing to war and I didnt take no orders for my new heavy duty Viking chairs!
The only thing we sold was blow up dragons and swords! Anyway the other tandy rep was told that we were going to be at roswell ohio for the OPakwood war of southern agression. and Guess what the fucker showed up thier! he does events for fun and We are trying to make cash to live on.
And I am also pissed that the guy next to us talk two folks out of placing an order for vivking chairs! I was going to kill the fucker but I just figured if he shows at pensic with my design that I will drop my pricew down to where it will cover the wood and supplies and put his ass out! I mean come on, how many vikling chairs out thier can support 400# and is small enough to fit in a car?
My answer NONE until Cam and I worked one out. He was a dick who thought he was all that in wood working, when he attacked my design saying that it wasnt period I looked at some of his wares and told him the same! Now I know that folks want things as close to period as they can get but if you are a large person then you need some help from modern tech!
So this event we made enough to eat two days and some gas. So I am going to borrow Angus van this week and go out scrapping and make the cash to live on.

Only 2 weeks till war and I cant wait...
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