Jun 01, 2007 13:42
"The true judge of a man's strength is not the way he handles adversity but how he rises above it" ~James Clayton Cleveland~
Those words still resonate thoughout my mind as this was spoken to me by the greatest man I ever had the pleasure of knowing in my life , my Grandfather. I wanted to come here today to explain try and explain my eratic behaviour as of late as well as use this journal as for what it was originally intended for when I created it years ago ... a place for me to vent displaced emotion. Some of you may be aware of this but for those that are not let me clarify something , three years ago my Grandfather sufferd what would turn out to be a fatal heart attack , and through faith and his own remearkable strength he fought on for another full week with totally failed kidneys. The doctors lost all hope when he slipped into a micro coma and his brain fucnctions went to a very low scale , yet once again that man suprised us all an woke up just long enough to speak to my Grandmother , Father , Sister and Myself before he finally lost his strength and slipped peacefully to heaven. We buried him on Father's Day .... which is only a mere 16 days from now so I hope you all can understand where my mind has been .... thoughts of him and sadness of missing him have left me very depressed latley .... wondering if I have become the type of man he could be proud of but I do know one thing .... If I can be just a fraction of the man he was then I will be happy.
R.I.P James Clayton Cleveland - Beloved Father , Teacher and The Greatest Man I've Ever Known ..... I learned so much from you and all I can do now is take the lessons you taught me and put them to use in my life ... I love you Grandaddy , ... God got one great Angel that day.