Mar 20, 2007 02:49
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
I'm thinking right now, I sure as shit will.
It's becoming pretty clear right now there's another lesson for me to learn here. At least to take a lesson I've already learned to a newer height.
Here's the deal. We're only tethered to what we tie ourselves to. The only thing which is really standing between me, anyone, and freedom on the truly spiritual level is that which they tie themselves to.
I've spent my whole life being tied to ideas about what I am, who I am, and should be which have been useless. They haven't produced any good results. All they've really done is to produce confusion, depression, self pity and ultimately, every possible reason for self destruction. It's time to get free of all this. It's time to cut the tether to all the things people think about what is my place in life, the world, all of it. It's not up to them. It's not essentially, even up to me. It's more or less up to God. The best I can do is give things a shot and find out whether or not they work out. I'm not the guy who's going to be walking the straight line through life which I've spent believing is the only right way to go. There are a thousand right ways, just like there are a thousand wrong ways. I've been wrong this long, being wrong a little longer in at least pursuing something new for myself, a new ideal, is absolutely worth it as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not a Harvard grad. I'm not cut out for corporate America. I'm not that guy. I'm not better than people who are, but I'm nothing less than they are either.
I've spent my whole life depending on other people and other people's ideas to tell me what I am and what I should be. It's all going to change now. I know what I am now. I know who I am now. I'm not sure people were even sure of what they were starting when they gave me this whole God idea. I'm not really sure they would have been able to predict for one second where all of this was going to go. These things might seem unrelated to many people, but they are absolutely related to me. I'm a child of God, like any other person. I was born with something we don't tell each other. I've spent my whole life fighting for something I've had since the day I was born, freedom. I was born free, like every other human being on this planet. As a race, species or whatever you want to call it, we're spending a whole lot of time trying to convince each other differently though.
I don't have to fight to be free. I don't have to let go to be free. I don't have to do anything to be free except be free, and act as a free man would. If God made every single one of us free, gave us free will and the love to use it, nothing can hold us except for what we use to keep ourselves in bondage.
No more.
It's time to get free. It's never been the people who've been the hand that feeds, and any of them which threatens to remove the hand that feeds deserves to be bitten anyway, because they're lying. Anyone who would threaten to keep anyone else in bondage has lost already, is lost already. It's a charade. It's a game which only has to be played by the willing.
There's no reason to even fight against it. All there is, is to stop taking part in it. Then there's showing others they're free too. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to prove my freedom and then I'm going to show as many people as I possibly can that they're just as free as I am already, they just have to accept that freedom, instead of the bondage.
I don't care what anyone else's ideas are about it all anymore. Relying on them to provide any kind of happiness or security is pretty much insane to begin with. No one could provide the depth of need I have or any of us have, that's God's job. It doesn't matter how well we match up with each other's ideas about what's good and right, there's always the chance we will take that approval away from each other. It's always conditional. The only real way to get to real freedom is to act on the freedom we already have and trust God to keep us safe, even in our mistakes.
I don't even have to be tethered to a conception of God based on anything anyone else says. I don't have to be tethered to my own current conception of God. I don't particularly think any conception of God I will ever have will be completely accurate, it's like an ant trying to contemplate the size of the planet. It's just too big for my consciousness. But the one thing I trust is that we were made to be free. Free to do that which we each truly believe to be right, deep down inside. And maybe you don't believe in God, you're free to believe that too. Even if there is no God, it doesn't make you less free or more free, it just makes you free for different reasons. It makes you free because with no God to judge the difference, every single man, woman and child is completely and totally equal. My conception of God doesn't particularly judge, but most people seem to have a problem with the whole God thing because they can't separate their own concept from what others have drilled into them.
get free