(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 13:55

I'm having great difficulty with a few things. In truth, I have no idea what to do about them. I am, most assuredly, ashamed of what we have become. I say we, as in we, the people. Our aimless, endless attempts to assure our own gratification have completely blinded us as to what we have and are becoming. Internationally and domestically, the lives of fellow human beings have come to mean next to nothing. We have closed our eyes as any semblance of morality, ethics, and respect we may have had were being torn to shreds. I know that much of this has been done in fear, and I understand. But when does the fear subside and the courage of a people to do what's right come to the surface?

I'd very much like to do something. I'd very much like to see our policies concerning human rights changed first. I'd very much like to see that we begin to treat each other as the neighbors, friends and loved ones we all are. The truth is, I can't bring myself to even attempt at this point because I have no faith in the people. I have no faith in the populace, because in essence, it seems to me most have sold their souls for an SUV, a suburban home and a position which allows this. I don't necessarily think the wanting for things is wrong. Nor do I think the effort to obtain them is necessarily wrong. when the want and effort to acquire becomes paramount to all things, morality, humanity, then there is something deeply, fundamentally wrong.

I say fundamentally because I am coming to believe that it is so deeply entrenched in all of us that it will only take the pulling apart of our "way of life" which will begin to wake us up. We have even so often lost track of the most important aspects of family and community that we are seeing a decay in those as well. And believe me, when I say in family and community, I don't believe at all that the various religious extremes are correct in their assertions concerning any of these things. Because a divorced family can raise a child well, if the family is well. But most, it seems are sick, hungry. Hungry for more property and prestige and sick with a self centered way of life which infects their children as deeply and hopelessly.

We have lost our humanity. You may say, "well, look what happened after Katrina or 9/11". I'd say you're wrong. When the news went onto something else, the victims of Katrina and 9/11 were forgotten. When the images are being pumped into our living rooms and somewhere inside some sense of guilt for not even really caring comes out, we take some small action and try to assuage ourselves. We can blame George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condeleeza Rice if we want, but the truth is we are to blame. We remain silent. We do nothing. We do not fight for humanity anymore. We do not care for civil, human or lawful rights anymore, unless they are ours personally being violated.

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