Weekend past

Aug 26, 2003 16:44

Weekend was good. The drive down to Maryland wasn't bad... kind of adventurous. Was the furthest I've ever driven from home. Left a little before 5, got there a little after 10. Pretty good time. Not to mention I missed an exit in the city and ended up at Yankee stadium x_X but I got there alive.

Angela was happy to see me. I met her at work (she was actually working for her dad at a country club as a waitress). I waited for her to finish up, and helped where i could. Then we went and played pool for awhile at this bar. She put me up in a hotel for the weekend. I felt kind of guilty letting her pay, but I certainly didn't have the money... and she wouldn't let me pay anyway. She came up for awhile... and then she left, and I went to sleep.

Saturday morning she picked me up at like 10 and we went, picked up a laptop from one of her friends, and then we went to the business meeting. I met her business partner, a cool guy named Jerome. Without going into all the details, I left convinced about investment oppurtunity that existed there... but alas, I can't afford it. Damn shame too, cuz I seriously am confident she's going to be rolling in dough soon. After that we went to a graduation for one of her friends who just graduated from Columbia University. Great people. I also came to the realization that I was in the minority down there. Most people in her community are either Asian or African-American. Not that that bothered me in the least. But it was still kinda funny. Then we went and met her best friend Carlos. He's a pretty damn cool guy too. Then she took me into Washington. We went for a walk along the water side for awhile. Was really cool. Then we went back to the room for awhile, and then she went home.

Sunday morning. Church. That's right, I went to church. Half surprised I didn't burst into flames as I entered. I went with her to the class before hand and then to the mass (if that's the right word) afterward. Was really nice. I can see why people go. Everyone would shake my hand, and say things like "Hey, good to see you!", even though they'd never seen me before. Towards the end, the pastor encouraged those who had not yet embraced the light of god to come forward and do so now. Angela tried to encourage me to go. I think she fears for me... but I told her I wasn't ready to. I could see the dissapointment in her face, but she didn't press me, which I appreciated.

After church, we got lunch and went and chilled with Carlos again for awhile, then we all went and got gas, and they led me to where my journey home was to begin. We all pulled over on the side of the highway, and said our goodbyes, and I left for home. Took me about an hour longer the way back, but I took an easier route.

So now I'm back home. I came back home in hopes of working... but I ended up not working Monday or today. Sux REAL bad. I need money something horrible. And if I had known I wasn't going to be working, I would have stayed longer down there. Already kind of missing her...

And that's about it for the weekend. Just one final note... at long last... tomorrow... is...


Don't look for me... if you want to play, just come over... I'll be there most likely, less i actually get to work... Can't wait... I'm like fiending for it. Pathetic isn't it? Ah well...
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