(no subject)

May 03, 2011 20:41

So much for the more consistent updating. I'm not shocked.

Well, what to discuss... the ever evolving roommate situation continues, which blows. Worst part is that I'm losing my favorite roommate. I'm gonna miss DJ, he's the only one I'm comfortable being myself around.

I started therapy on Monday, due to the fact that I may be bipolar, according to my doctor. For as long as I can remember, I'd go months at a time being just dandy, even fantastic followed by months of baffling depression, irritability and apathy. It's gotten pretty bad recently, definitely affecting Josh and myself. We're going strong, but I'd rather not put any strain on him. It's gotten exhausting pretending that I'm okay all the time. I like my therapist alright, not sure how it will progress though. I'm definitely willing to try.

I'm taking alone time. I've told Josh I won't see him tonight, I didn't go home after work and I don't know when I'll be going home. It's... awesome. I've spent hours here at Barnes & Noble so far, drinking my coffee, perusing and reading. I've missed this.

I'm developing a garden on our bedroom balcony, an oasis for me to retreat to in a house full of people that I like alright, but don't feel entirely comfortable with. I've got two cozy chairs, a side table, some jasmine, white potato vine, a couple kinds of lilies, various other wildflower type things and a small Buddha statue that my mom gave me. It's wonderful and every day I look forward to going home and working on it, being in it.

My cats are amazing, but I can't find the words for that at the moment.

That is all.
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