Jun 22, 2007 16:00
So they've tried twice to deliver the Macbook to my apartment today. The first time was at 10:21am. no one was home. The mail guy at work suggested I call FedEx to schedule a second delivery attempt for today since I knew Mitch would be home after 1pm. I did so and the lady told me she would put the request in the system. So around 2:30pm I track the package again just for the hell of it. It says that another delivery attempt was made at 2:21pm and there was no one there to accept it. BULLSHIT! So the driver claims he called and "got a busy signal". Is that even possible anymore? Mitch has a cell phone and I know he wasn't talking on it so that's bunk. Secondly he claims that he "honked [his] horn", well buddy unless your horn says "hey, it's Fedex, come on down and get your package" how is one to know your horn from any other horn? This is the city for christsakes!
So the driver is supposed to call me and I highly doubt that will happen. So, my other option is to take a cab over to South Boston after work to pick it up at the FedEx station. Then take a cab back to the T, take the T home with my macbook,hopefully not get mugged and hope that the sky does not choose to open up upon me with one of these annoying rain showers we've been getting off and on all day. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
honestly FedEx, why are you trying to make this as hard as possible?
The most hilarious part is that when I was trying to find out if they could bring it to a closer fedEx location the lady at Customer Service's explanation for why they could not is because they "work certain routes and can't really go out of their way to another location" I wish I could have pointed out Brighton and South Boston to her on a map. honestly, how is that even close?
i'm getting my macbook tonight! If i have to spend the $20 in my wallet on cab fare to get it, so be it.
i hate fedex