In at least one facet of my life, I know what I want. Making it happen is not so easy. Hard work doesn't bother me. It's the uncertainty of the reward and committing to a path that might be a dead end that scares me. It's the nature of the sacrifice that disturbs me.
A moment of explanation (just a moment, I promise): When I play video games I
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And I want to point out that while yes, Stephen King writes for eight hours a day, Stephen King is also at a point in his writing career where he has the income to do that. He doesn't have to write eight hours each day in addition to a nine-to-five job.
I also want to point out that writing something that doesn't earn you an income right away doesn't mean that you've wasted your time writing it. I can guarantee that every writer that you like submitted packets to publishers only to be turned down, some of them for years, before they rewrote and edited or started new projects based on what they learned, and THEN got published. I know it seems chaotic, and it's true that there's no save-game, but there is a process: the process is that the more you write, and the more often you write, the better you'll get at it and the more people will want to pay for your writing.
Feel free to take all this with a grain of salt; I've been collecting advice on becoming a professional writer for years, but I have yet to "finish" anything enough to be willing to send it off.
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