Hello, all! I'm still around -- still more on Tumblr and FB than here (DW and LJ), I fear, since time constraints have been such that the instant-gratification nature of those sites (and the short attention span required to make use of them) have been more suited to the short nibbles of internet time I've been getting. However, I had a free evening today, and went back to "skip=780" (the max LJ allows right now, it seems) and skimmed through it, so I'm mostly-sorta caught up from 3/3 onwards.
Note that when I say "skimmed," I mean it, so I didn't read a lot of posts in depth, but I did my best to get an idea of what was going on.
In general news about my life, RadCon went *very* well this year (and no norovirus, thank all the gods), so yay. Spring has sprung here, and the new house is revealing spring surprises in the form of massive quantities of flower bulbs. *So* massive I'm not sure they'll provide much in the way of blooms (since I suspect the bulbs are overcrowded), but if they do it will be spectacular. Only the snowdrops have flowered so far, but they're always my favorites:
The cats have adjusted just fine to their new home since the move last July, and are even getting a bit comfier with each other, as this image proves:
I snapped that pic as I was on my way out the door to work, and noticed that the cats were more than happy to take over the nice, warm bed I'd left them. Such a hard, grim life they lead, yes . . .
So, things continue, and I maintain a tenuous foothold online. Not bad, really. :)
More as I have the time . . . and good to "see" you all again!