I pretty much run my FB account (which I have because it's the only way to keep up with some friends and relatives, sadly) like a Tumblr, reposting whatever random shiny stuff I encounter that amuses me (George Takei's FB page is a real gem for that -- if you're on FB and haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor and take a look). Here are a couple-three vids I particularly enjoyed.
First, this one answers the age-old question, " What happens when you take a scientist, liquid nitrogen and 1500 table tennis balls?" Not like it isn't easy to *guess* . . .
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Next, I don't normally post political stuff here, but if you're of a sufficiently cynical frame of mind you should get a laugh out of this regardless of your party affiliation:
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Finally, Geek Parents Are Awesome (though I'm not sure if the animated expressions are cute or creepy):
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