General update, plus Action Figure Theater: the Return of Rassilon!

Jul 23, 2010 07:52

Another week, no more fic, lots of life kicking my ass (but in a low-level, energy-drain kinda way rather than any one specific thing). Also a historical group event this weekend, followed by SpoCon next weekend, so I don't know what kind of writing time I'll have in between all that, either. Sorry; I know folks are waiting on fic from me, and I have a set of stories I need to beta for an f-lister, but right now it seems to be taking all I've got to just get through the day.

. . . Which, true as it is, sounds far more melodramatic than reality, now that I re-read that. :/ Ah, well, moving on to fun stuff, I've long been coveting the Rassilon action figure that came out after EoT. I mean, it's the freaking Action Figure of Rassilon -- for real! How could I *not* want that? The possible bad jokes alone are endless.

A random crawl around the interwebs recently showed a drop in both price and availability that set off my "going out of production" alarms, and I finally took the plunge. In fact, I also got an EoT Master action figure thanks to the reduced prices. I didn't want to miss out on getting a John Simm action figure while they were still available (seeing as how I didn't spring for any of the first gen Master figures).

The new boys arrived a couple days ago, and while I was posing them on the entertainment center for the hell of it (before they join the general action figure display on the nearby bookshelf), in front of a small vase of lavender flowers from the container garden on the porch, a cracky idea struck me and a short Action Figure Theater episode was born.

The question that started it all was: what if Rassilon had been a hippie during the Time War?

Rassilon: "Peace, man!"

But wait, who's here to take advantage of the power vacuum now that Rassilon's turned on, tuned in and dropped out?


Master: "The Key to Time is Mine! Muahahaha . . . oh, wait wrong episode. Well, whatever!"

Entirely the wrong Doctor for Time War continuity: "Oh noes!!!!!11!1!"

. . . And there the cliffhanger ends, possibly TBC, depending on whether I ever work up the ambition. ;)

Anyway, I left that little tableau up for countessaleska to find (since that's what weird flatmates *do*, after all) and when I came back from work, I found she'd created an answering setup with Rassilon, our White Point Star (= tacky paperweight I couldn't resist buying because I'm that kind of geek) and a beanie baby:

In other words, the Seal of Rassilon FTMFW. XD (Notice that the Master has been imprisoned in the Action Figure Theater version of the Phantom Zone or something; clearly, Rassilon had no sense of humor when he sobered up.)

Parting thoughts: I'm unimpressed with the face sculpts on these guys, especially compared to earlier DW action figures. The Master, in particular, looks as much like Eric Roberts as John Simm, which was really disappointing. Ah, well, in the end they're little bits of plastic in goofy shapes anyway, right?

TT y'all L! I hope to at least get back to comment responses later today, if nothing else!

real life, pity party, pics, doctor who, crack, natter, area 51, action figure theater

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